THANK YOU Volunteers!

April 24-30th recognizes National Volunteer Week. Let’s celebrate Canada’s millions of volunteers whose empathy, compassion and generosity connect people to their communities contributing to a more vibrant and inclusive Canada.

HIP would like to thank all our volunteers who have helped us in areas of transportation of goods, fundraising, IT services and communications! THANK YOU!

HIP Board Member, Audrey Gilbeau shared:

When I have the opportunity to meet with young people I share how volunteerism has shaped the person that I am today, both personally and professionally. In my youth, volunteering helped me to become aware of the various programs and services that were available to me, especially as a very shy indigenous person, new to the City of Thunder Bay. My first volunteer experience at the age of 13 was working with the Little Beavers Program based out of the Indigenous Friendship Centre. This led to my first job as Assistant Coordinator of the program. That experience alone helped me to develop confidence and self-esteem. Those early years ignited a sense of responsibility in me, to give back! Having now volunteered for over forty (40) years, I am grateful for all the support, encouragement, training and mentorship I’ve received while participating on various Committees and Boards of Directors. For me, volunteerism means choosing to work for an organization, without monetary gain, that aligns with my interests and values that leads to a healthier and supportive community! 

Opportunities to volunteer with many organizations large and small have ceased or continue to be limited during COVID but others have found ways to work virtually. Hospitals and long-term care facilities were most impacted in the loss of thousands of dedicated individuals who assisted in daily patient services. But today most organizations are hopeful for an in-person return soon.

If you would like to begin your volunteering journey, Volunteer Canada is a valuable resource to locate opportunities in your local region and suggestions on how to get started. Thank you for pledging your time!

#NVW2022     #EmpathyInAction     #VolunteersBringHeart #VolunteerCanada