The Rotary Club of Kenora and the the City of Kenora are working in collaboration to create a beautiful Rotary Peace Park. Opening is expected to be fall 2021. It will consist of a granite pole with messaging in English, French, Ojibway, Oji-Cree and possibly, if space permits, Ukrainian and German representative of the area languages.
A monument dedicated to Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, Trans and 2 Spirited People (MMIWGT2S) will be featured on this site. It is important to bring awareness to the thousands of documented names of missing and murdered women and those who remain missing with no investigation into their whereabouts.
The natural beauty will include native medicinal plants, walkways and several benches overlooking Lake of the Woods. It will be a peaceful place for people to rest and reflect.
The club will be partnering with local schools next year to do a mini peace pole project. This is expected to be an art and education project where children will learn about peace.

The costs associated with the creation of the park is expected to be $50,000. Public fundraising has been undertaken Consider donating in honour of loved ones, sharing the message of “peace on earth – goodwill to all”.