Learning through ONWA

ONWA (Ontario Native Women’s Association) is a Toronto-based not for profit organization focused on empowering Indigenous women and their families across Ontario through programs like research and advocacy.

ONWA is also committed to delivering culturally enriched programs that strengthen communities and guarantee the preservation of Indigenous cultures, identities, arts, languages, and heritages.

HIP would like to highlight three of the many Learning Resources available on ONWA’s website including:

  • Seven Sacred Teachings/Seven Grandfather Teachings, an educational video series, narrated by Tanya Talaga, Indigenous author and storyteller.
  • Full Moon Ceremony and Teachings, narrated by Audrey DeRoy, ONWA’s Land-Based co-ordinator. She explains the activities associated with each of the 13 Full Moon Ceremonies, such as Miskomini Giizis (Raspberry Moon), the time for fertility, growth and change, Manoominike Giizis (Ricing Moon), the time to gather rice and medicines or Ode’imin Giizis (Strawberry Moon), the medicine of the strawberry is reconciliation.
  • She is Wise magazine is an empowering platform that celebrates Indigenous Women’s leadership. Read it online at www.onwa.ca/she-is-wise-magazine or subscribe directly.

Education is a life journey. Be sure to make a stop along the way at www.onwa.ca/learning-resources.